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Common Sense Reasons to Buy Goods Made in the USA
Economists tell us that “Buy American” is a bad policy that dulls competition and inflates the price of domestic goods. They say that movements to buy American made products are ignorant nonsense. Former ABC reporter John Stossel even went so far as to call it stupid and dumb. I’m not one to be offended by the proper use of the word ignorant. It simply means we can’t know what we don’t know. But stupid and dumb? Either way, I beg to differ.
I admit it, I’m not an economist. But I’m certainly not dumb or stupid either. Nor are any number of Americans that intentionally choose products that are made in the USA.
Let me debate, just briefly.
Economists point out some of the following factors.
If we buy cheap stuff, we can buy more stuff, and Americans produce that other stuff.
But do they? Do Americans produce that other stuff? I wonder because I’m whole-heartedly dedicated to buying American made goods and find it challenging to purchase items that aren’t made in China.
Not to mention, we have a “stuff” problem which I’ll talk about on our list.
They state that quality decreases if everything is made in one place. We wouldn’t want all of our products made in Ohio. Or Michigan. Or Florida. So why would we want all of our products made in the USA?
I use my 20 year old American made KitchenAid mixer almost daily. It is going just as strong as the day I got it. Sure, it’s not a guarantee that American made products are always better, but consumer satisfaction says it’s more often the case than not.
Realistically, most of us are probably just fine with purchasing quality goods from foreign-owned companies on a level playing field. Wouldn’t you agree that Honda employing 30,000 U.S. associates is a mutually good thing?
David R. Henderson, an economist at the Hoover Institution, says that the sweatshop argument is bad too. His reasoning is that people working in them are better off than they would be otherwise.
I could debate a list of points all day but for simplicities sake I’ll just mention a few off the top of my head.
- If American companies operating abroad were in the business of helping the citizens of other nations they would be setting American standards overseas, not lowering their own.
- We have to take care of our own before we can help others. Flight attendants on airplanes instruct us to put our own oxygen masks on first. Before our neighbors, even before our children, because you can’t save anyone if you can’t breathe yourself. What becomes of the world when America is dependent?
- And should we not look at what happened to Flint, Michigan when General Motors moved out? If Mr. Henderson doesn’t think there is human trafficking in the United States he has some ignorance of his own.
John Stossel closed the piece in which he called us stupid and dumb by saying that interfering with the peaceful exchange of goods is never good. Well, John, things are peaceful until they aren’t. If he believes that all of the countries importing products into the United States have our best interests at heart, who is dumb and stupid?
Some of the economist’s points are all well and good in a perfect world but we don’t live in a perfect world. We live in a world where not all nations are friendly towards the United States. Furthermore, we don’t have to be economists to understand the trade deficit. We all know what eventually happens when we spend more than we make.
So let’s just get into it.
50 No-Nonsense Reasons Why You Should Commit to Buy American Made Products in a Global Economy

Easy Economics
When Americans are working, they buy more goods and services. When those goods and services are manufactured and provided by other Americans, they in turn buy more goods and services.
1. The United States Economy
When we buy American made brands and products we’re helping to balance disproportionate international trade and putting money back into our own economy. For every $1 spent on American made goods, the overall impact on the United States economy is $2.68. Learn more.
2. The Made in the USA Trade Deficit
Consumer products are the leading cause of the trade deficit. The U.S. trade deficit increased from $676.7 billion in 2020 to $859.1 billion in 2021. The United States imported nearly $2.9 trillion in consumer goods in 2021 while exporting less than $1.8 trillion. It’s the highest goods deficit on record. Additionally, as of April 2022, it is the largest trade deficit of any nation. Learn more.
Consumer Issues & Concerns

Products made in the USA are safer and of higher quality than those made on foreign soil. Consumers express better overall satisfaction and have better customer service experiences with American made products .
3. Production Time on American Made Products is Faster
Americans are producing more goods and higher value goods with fewer manufacturing jobs available than they were 3 decades ago. Several factors make it possible including more skilled and educated employees, machinery advancements, and streamlined industrial processes. Learn more.
4. Domestic Products Don’t Get Stuck on Ships
Provided you haven’t been living under a rock, you’ve experienced recent shortages. Or at least, heard about it. The supply chain that was already suffering due to factory shut-downs along with increased product demand caused by Coronavirus concerns was further impacted when millions of dollars worth of goods in tens of thousands of shipping containers were stuck off-shore. I was living under a rock.
5. American Made Products are Safer
We’ve all heard about lead (a toxic heavy metal that harms brain development) in toys imported from China. Are you also aware of the toxic toothpaste with diethylene glycol (an industrial chemical used in anti-freeze), carcinogen fish containing several anti-fungal and antibiotic drugs known or suspected to cause cancer, and the radioactive drywall that possibly contains phosphogypsum, a radioactive material that may put people at higher risk for lung cancer? You can read about it here.
The CPSC provides oversight to ensure federal safety laws are followed and issues recalls on potentially harmful products when necessary.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) protects the public from unreasonable risks of serious injury or death from thousands of types of consumer products under its jurisdiction, including products that pose a fire, electrical, chemical, or mechanical hazard or can injure children.
CPSC Website
6. Higher Quality Goods are Made in the USA
I make it a point to buy American made products. When I’m able to get something made in the USA, I do with the expectation that I am getting a higher-quality product. Consumers say American made goods are better and we’re willing to pay 20% more to acquire them.
7. American Made Products Offer Better Overall Customer Satisfaction
My experience when I buy American made products is that they are better sewn, better built, and last longer. I’m not alone. As you can guess, I also spend a lot of time researching and reading about American made products. I even get deep into the comments of sponsored posts on Facebook. Whether the discussion is in regards to appliances or t-shirts, the overall consensus is that American made brands are better. Statistics say so.
8. Americans Say Customer Service in the USA is Superior
Americans also feel strongly that American companies offer better customer service. I am personally more likely to purchase products and services from a company with domestic customer service representatives. Language barriers make it frustrating to get problems resolved in a timely manner.

The Domino Effect of Buying American Made Products
It is said that for every manufacturing job, 4 other jobs are supported. The number isn’t literally 4. The multiplier is more or less dependent on the industry. The multiplier effect in manufacturing is as high as 16 to one in some advanced industries, meaning that for every 1 manufacturing job, 15 other jobs are supported. If you like numbers and charts, you can dig deeper into manufacturing multipliers here. We’re going to skip the charts and talk about manufacturing jobs and the many jobs they support.
9. American Consumerism and Supply & Demand, So Easy
When Americans seek out and are willing to pay more for American made products, it increases demand for the Made in the USA label. In response, the production of USA made products has to increase in order to satisfy consumer demand.
10. Buying American Creates Investment in United States Manufacturing
When Americans make a conscious effort to buy American made brands and products, investors invest in American manufacturing. When we spend money, they make money. Our money talks.
11. American Manufacturing Job Security
Manufacturing moves overseas, Americans lose jobs. It’s that simple. When we spend our money on USA-made products, increase demand, and force maintenance and investment in United States manufacturing, we help to secure the jobs of our fellow Americans.
12. Buying American Supports Plant-Related Jobs
An American manufacturing facility doesn’t just employ people on the assembly line. There are management positions, service positions, groundskeepers, security, electricians, and more depending on the size and scope of the plant.
13. Entry Level Positions in Domestic Manufacturing Facilities
Manufacturing plants offer entry-level positions that are valuable to Americans that don’t attend college and prefer to work with their hands.
14. American Manufacturing Creates Industry-Related Jobs
The manufacturing of products creates a need for other products. Your t-shirt needs cotton, your car needs tires. Often, new products need a piece or part that doesn’t exist yet opening the door for the expansion of another company and even new business. What is a lightbulb without a lamp?
15. Purchasing Products Made in the USA Creates Skilled-Trade Jobs
Manufacturing plants often need in-house skilled trades. More than that, the presence of American manufacturing in a town increases the demand for local electricians, plumbers, and other skilled trades. American employees build homes and get their cars repaired.
16. Service Industry Jobs are Supported by American Manufacturing Jobs
The men and women with American manufacturing careers dine at restaurants, take their dogs to the groomer, get manicures, hire wedding planners, and buy, sell, and maintain homes. The list of service industry jobs that are supported by manufacturing careers is endless.
17. Small Businesses Start-Up When We Buy American Products
When restaurants, dog groomers, and nail salons are open, they need the services of other small businesses. The printing service that goes up down the block supplies menus for the restaurant where the server is employed. The new hardware shop helps to keep their buildings maintained.
18. American Workers are Consumers of the Goods They Produce
Not only do American manufacturing jobs support countless other jobs, but the employees tend to buy what they make. I live in Toledo, Ohio where the Jeep Wrangler is produced. Just the other day we were a little early for my son’s dentist appointment so we waited in the car. I counted. 50% of the cars in the parking lot were made by Jeep.

American Manufacturing and the Workplace
Whether you are for or against Unions, the impact they have made in the American workplace is undeniable. Union negotiations throughout American manufacturing history have resulted in improved working conditions for all Americans.
19. The United States Requires Fair Wages
Mr. Economist seems to believe the American companies that pay $3.00 an hour in areas where the people traditionally make a dollar an hour are doing the world a favor. I think that is a twisted attempt at excusing the brands that take advantage of impoverished people. There is nothing good, right, or fair about taking advantage of people that are not protected by minimum wage laws.
20. American Jobs Offer Better Pay
American companies that keep their manufacturing in the USA, generally pay much higher hourly rates than the minimum hourly wage required by law. A combination of some or many factors might determine pay rate; expected standard of living of American employees, unions, rates for similar work elsewhere, competitiveness for positions, and more. When you buy American products, you’re saying that you want to spend your money with brands that give their employees an honest day’s pay.
On average, hourly wages and salaries for manufacturing jobs were $29.75 an hour in 2010 compared to $27.47 an hour for non-manufacturing jobs. Total hourly compensation, which includes employer-provided benefits, was $38.27 for workers in manufacturing jobs and $32.84 for workers in non-manufacturing jobs, a 17 percent premium.
U.S. Department of Commerce, Economics and Statistics Administration
21. U.S. Labor Standards Protect Workers
The United States has labor laws in place that protect employees from unsafe work environments. Child labor laws protect our most vulnerable citizens. Our labor laws include but are not limited to minimum wage, discrimination and harassment laws, wrongful termination, medical leave, safety laws, and illness and injury laws. Here is a summary of labor laws from the U.S. Department of Labor.
22. Working Conditions are Consistently Improving
In addition to labor laws, the trend in American employment is leaning towards offering a better work environment for employees because the results are positive for everyone involved. Most recently, an aftereffect of Coronivirus, many employees in manufacturing-related positions have been able to continue working from home for improved work and home life balance.
23. American Manufacturing Jobs Offer Retirement Benefits
78% of manufacturing employees receive employer contributions to their retirement benefits. Comparatively, 62% percent of workers in service industries receive employer contributions. Bureau of Labor Statistics
24. And Medical Benefits
90% of manufacturing workers have access to medical benefits that 81% of American manufacturing workers take advantage of. Bureau of Labor Statistics
25. And Vacation Time
American workers generally receive vacation time as part of their employment package. It’s a benefit not enjoyed by foreign sweatshop employees. In fact, 95% of American manufacturing workers receive access to paid vacation leave according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
26. United States Tourism Flourishes
American workers spend a lot of money on their rest and relaxation. According to the U.S. Travel Association, domestic travelers alone spent $972 billion in 2019. From gas to tickets, hotels and cottages, boats and RVs, cruises, attractions, and more, a lot of American money is put right back into our economy when Americans take the week off.
In 2019, domestic and international travelers spent $1.1 trillion ($1,127 billion) in the U.S. This spending directly supported 9 million jobs, and generated $277 billion in payroll income and $180 billion in tax revenues for federal, state, and local governments.
U.S. Travel Association
Employment, Taxes, & The U.S. Infrastructure

Nothing is free. Our entire United States infrastructure would collapse without enough American taxpayers sharing the load of public services.
27. American Jobs Make for Nicer Neighborhoods
One doesn’t have to be an economist to look around. People who have steady jobs are able to purchase homes. Home-owners are financially invested in maintaining their property and neighborhood. Additionally, small businesses that provide services to American manufacturing employees want to make a good impression with clean and tidy frontage.
28. And Better Schools
The tax dollars from property taxes and wages go somewhere and one of the places those taxes go is into the public school system. In addition, American manufacturing companies pay property taxes on large plots of land, putting even more money going into local schools for building maintenance, books and computer equipment, teacher salaries, and more.
29. And Nicer Parks
Tax dollars pay for community parks, city parks, state parks, and national parks. The more money available, the better maintained those parks will be and the more activities and services they can offer.
30. And Libraries (Museums, Zoos, and Other Local Services and Attractions) Too
If you’re lucky enough to live in a community with an exceptional library system, you might be surprised to learn that not all communities have multiple libraries, let alone one local library. When levees appear on the ballot, employed Americans are more willing to vote in favor of such services than unemployed Americans who are struggling to make ends meet.
31. Our Roads are Maintained With Tax Revenue from Working Americans
Taxes pay for road maintenance and employed Americans pay those taxes. When American manufacturing moves overseas we lose the tax revenue from the employees who lost their jobs as well as the tax revenue from the jobs and businesses they supported.
32. Nobody Wants New Levees
We already feel the strain of taxes but when there isn’t enough money to maintain schools, parks, libraries, roads, and other public services, new levees end up on the ballot. The more Americans that are working and paying taxes, the more of that burden is shared, and the more money there is to go around and maintain services. When we buy American made products, we’re voting to maintain those services without increasing our personal tax burden.
How Buying American Makes a Social Difference

What a difference a job will make to our well-being as individuals, communities, and a country. Beyond financial concerns, unemployment often leads to depression, damages underemployed communities, and strains our social services.
33. Public Health is Better for Working Americans
I already mentioned above that United States safety standards are in place to protect the public from unreasonable risk of serious injury or death. But there is more to public health than not getting hurt.
Residents of impoverished neighborhoods or communities are at increased risk for mental illness, chronic disease, higher mortality, and lower life expectancy.
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
34. Social Services are Less Strained When Americans are Employed
When we buy American made products and keep Americans working, it puts less of a strain on a number of Social Services including unemployment benefits, Medicaid, and food assistance.
35. Crime Increases and Decreases Alongside Unemployment Rates
Multiple studies have shown a correlation between unemployment and property crimes. When unemployment is up, property crime increases. I don’t think we need a study to show us the difference in crime rates between a working-class neighborhood and a community suffering from low employment.

Buying Products Made in the USA is Better for the Environment
36. Lower Pollution With American Made Brands
Manufacturing processes in the United States are cleaner for the environment. We may not live in the same country but we do share the same earth. Developing countries have few and sometimes no regulations. The use of hazardous chemicals overseas is harmful to our air quality and water supply.
37. Domestic Manufacturing Results in a Lower Carbon Footprint
Products made in the USA have a lower carbon footprint than their foreign-made counterparts. Mile after mile, ships importing goods from China and other countries are burning fossil fuels and releasing greenhouse gas. When you buy American-made products, you help to reduce carbon emissions.
38. We Consume Too Much Stuff
When we purchase cheaply made foreign manufactured products that require continual replacement, we directly contribute to the strain on our environment. Landfills release methane gas, and carbon dioxide, and leak toxic liquids. Much of what we throw away will remain forever.
Simultaneously, cheaper doesn’t always make the most financial sense. When we purchase products that don’t last, we spend more money to replace them and that gets expensive over time.

International Concerns
Americans could quickly find themselves at the mercy of a foreign country when we rely on imported goods and services. The United States doesn’t have to be involved in foreign unrest for us to be affected by it.
39. International Politics
Political tensions can cause trade interruptions, supply chain issues, and interrupt transportation logistics. When we purchase American made products, we aren’t relying on the world to be at peace.
40. Dictatorships and Terrorism
Not all nations are friendly toward the United States. When you buy American made products you’re helping to reduce our dependence on foreign enemies and strengthen our military with your tax dollars.
41. Economic Sanctions
The United States might impose sanctions on other nations for a variety of political, military, or social issues. When this becomes necessary, Americans are likely to experience shortages of imported goods that we’ve come to rely on.
42. American Independence
Buying products made in the USA helps to foster our overall independence by reducing our reliance on imported goods. American made translates to security because we rely on ourselves for vital goods and supplies.

Buy American for Others
It’s a given that Americans look out for each other. When we buy American-made products, we are looking out for our friends, neighbors, community, and country.
43. Buy American for Your Neighbor
When you buy goods that are made in the USA, you’re helping your neighbor who works at the local manufacturing plant, the small business owner that sells services to the factory, the restaurant owner that provides lunch, and many more jobs. You’re making an impact on public schools, neighborhood crime rates, and public health.
44. Do it for Your Children & Future Generations
Buying American products helps to secure employment for future generations in manufacturing careers as well as in all of the local jobs and businesses that are supported by American manufacturing facilities.
45. Give Families a Choice
When Americans have steady, good-paying jobs available to them, it opens the door for families to make more personal choices. It might allow mom to stay home with the children, or give grandpa the option to retire early and care for grandma. It might make it feasible for a family to take extended maternity leave or put their special needs child in a private school.
46. It’s Charitable, Indirectly
Low unemployment rates reduce the strain on charities that assist people who are experiencing financial hardship. Additionally, working Americans have more disposable income to give to local and national charities alike. When is the last time China bought a bag of groceries for your local pantry?

Just A Few More Reasons to Buy American-Made Products
If you’ve read this far, thank you for investing the time to read this piece. I hope you find yourself wanting to make a sincere effort to buy American made products whenever possible. Most of the time, it is possible. I have just 4 more to go and we’ll have as many reasons to buy American made products as we have united states. See what I did there?
47. It Feels Good
When you commit to buying American, you’ll feel good knowing that you aren’t supporting fanatical governments or unacceptable labor conditions, while simultaneously protecting the environment, promoting healthy communities, and looking out for future generations. You can be confident you did the right thing with every purchase you make.
48. It’s Patriotic
I’m not sure how the media convinced so many Americans that patriotism is a bad thing. We should be proud of our manufacturing and innovation history. I am grateful to have been born in a country that is a leader in living standards, employment conditions, and sustainability.
49. It’s Fun
I have a good time seeking out American made products. So much so that I did this! I’ve had some nice conversations when a box I’ve turned over finally says “Made in the USA”. My excitement gets the best of me and I shout “Found one made in the USA, Honey!” It’s not uncommon for a fellow shopper to strike up a conversation. Sometimes it’s like winning a challenge when a product has been more difficult than others. And kids love to help look for the “Made in the USA” label which keeps them positively entertained in stores.
50. It’s Powerful
It’s a powerful statement to buy American made products. You’re telling companies that you want quality made in the USA products, better customer service, and American jobs!
Join the Effort to Buy American
Start With Us!
Here at, we are American consumers who believe in the power of buying American-made products. After years of personal commitment, it suddenly occurred to Michelle to create an entire website dedicated to the products and brands that are made in the USA. We’d love for you to JOIN US!
Our “Browse Categories” section is organized like any other online retailer so it’s easy to find exactly what you need when you need it. The only difference is that we don’t sell anything ourselves. We help you find what you’re looking for and tell you where you can buy their products. Our 15 largest categories are
- Automotive Products
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- Clothing, Shoes, & Accessories
- Electronic & Accessories
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- Sporting Goods & Recreation
- Tools & Home Improvement
We’ve also added a few other features including “Purely Patriotic“, patriotic goods that are actually made in the USA, “Product Spotlights“, most often featuring products we own or have used, and “U.S. Factory Tours“, a state by state directory of places you can visit and tours you can take.
If you could compress the 50 reasons to just the heading then make that easily sharable I’d like to post it on my fb page
Hi, Michelle
I’m not sure what you mean by compressing it to just the heading? You can share it by copying the url in your browswer window and pasting it to your facebook page or you can use the share buttons we have for your convenience. You should be able to click the “f” facebook logo to the left of your screen on a desktop/laptop or at the bottom of your window on a mobile device. There are also “share the knowledge” buttons at the bottom of every post between the Pinterest Pin and “You may also like” links to more posts.