Colorado Factory Tours

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Take a Made in America Colorado Factory Tour

Colorado is home to some of the top brewers in the United States, a handful of candy factories, and a couple of other Colorado factory tours that include tea tours and a shoe factory.

Colorado Factories That Offer Tours

Celestial Seasonings | Boulder, CO

Join Celestial Seasonings for a factory tour in the foothills of Boulder, Colorado. Start with a short introduction in the theater then enjoy a walking tour through the factory, followed by a free tea sampling of more than 100 varieties.

Visit the Official Celestial Seasonings Amazon Store

#Celestial Seasonings

SOM Footwear | Montrose, CO

Sense of Motion Footwear makes footwear for runners and for anyone who wants to walk on their own two feet with reduced pain. The factory outlet store, attached to the SOM factory is open to the public.

#SOM Footwear

United States Mint | Denver, CO

More than 1,600 employees work at six United States Mint facilities with production in Philadelphia, PA, San Francisco, CA, Denver, CO, and West Point, NY. Free in-person tours of the Philadelphia and Denver facilities are available to learn about coin manufacturing and the history of the Mint.

More Tours in Colorado

USA Factory Tours

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