Made in the USA Brands & Products on Amazon

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Dreaming of an Amazon Made in USA Filter?

Isn’t it frustrating? You go to Amazon, type in the product you’re looking for, and follow it with “made in the USA”. You’re doing a good thing trying to support American manufacturing and what do you get? A bunch of brands you can’t pronounce! Well, maybe Amazon knows better than you so you pick a product, read the description, and can quickly tell English is the second language. But you don’t make hasty decisions so you scroll down to the product details and sure enough “made in China”. It happens every time. So how do you find made in the USA products on Amazon? Is there an Amazon made in the USA filter where Amazon will show you USA made products only? Is there a secret to help you find American made products on Amazon?

I’m glad you asked.

The Easiest Way to Find Made in the USA Products on Amazon

I’d say we don’t want to toot our own horn, but that’s just not true. TOOT TOOT!

The simple answer is to start here every time you shop. There is no secret Amazon made in USA filter but we’re the next best thing if we do say so ourselves. It’s as close as we can get to being like Amazon but made in USA. Wish the income was haha!

Made in the USA Matters is a directory of brands and products organized by category that are made right here in the USA. And we’ve worked super hard to make it crazy simple for you to find and buy American made products on Amazon.

Let’s say you’re looking for a cupcake pan made in the USA. Just go to Home Furnishings from the pull-down menu. From there, you’ll find the appropriate sub-category. In this case, it’s cookware & bakeware. That link will take you to every post we’ve ever made that includes American made cookware and bakeware.

But if you aren’t up for browsing, no problem! We’ll get you directly to the directory. Say that real fast 5 times. Directly to the directory.


If you notice in the above screenshot, the headline just below the list of sub-categories says American Made Product Directories. The links there include every directory on Made in the USA Matters within the sub-category. You can go straight to Bakeware Made in the USA without passing go. Err, at least without scrolling through all the kitchenwares you don’t need right now.

But we’re Made in the USA Matters, not Amazon, right? How are we going to help you avoid products made in China on Amazon (see I know what you’re really after *wink*)? Give me just another minute here and I’m going to show you how Made in the USA Matters makes it super simple for you to find Amazon products made in the USA. And not made in China *ahem*.

How Do I Find American Made Products on Amazon with Made in the USA Matters?

Now that you’re in one of our American Made Brand Directories, in this example, Bakeware Made in the USA, you’ll just scroll down the list of every brand that makes products in the USA. And it’s the same thing whether you’re looking for bakeware, shampoo, lawnmowers, socks, razors, dinnerware, mayonnaise, dog treats, or pencils. You get the idea.

Made in the USA Matters has vetted each and every brand by reading “about us” pages and FAQs, digging through product descriptions, reaching out personally via emails, phone calls, and more. If the brand makes products in the United States, we list them.

But here’s the best part for you. We check every single brand we list to see if their products are available on Amazon. If they are, we link directly to their Official Amazon Store. If they don’t have an actual storefront but do have products listed on Amazon, we link right to the already vetted search results. No more getting inaccurate results dominated by China, and no more digging through product descriptions. We’ve done all the legwork for you so you can find products made in the USA on Amazon fast and easy. How about that?

But what if we don’t have a directory for the product you are looking for? We are adding to the website every day. In the meantime, we can show you how to search American made on Amazon yourself. However, it’s going to take some extra time. You’re committed though, right?

Top Tips to Find Made in the USA Products on Amazon

I typed “Socks Made in the USA” into the Amazon search bar. The image below is the first 4 results given to me by Amazon. Two of these brands are actually made in the USA. You’ll probably get less (if any) unless you’ve already looked at or purchased the item. I was retargeted because I recently viewed these brands when I was building the directory for Socks Made in the USA. Let me know in the comments if you get the same results. You didn’t did you?

Anyway, let’s take a look.

This Amazon search result is one of the harder ones if you aren’t familiar with the brands because not a single one says made in the USA in the title. So what will we look for to save some time?

Start by looking at the brand name. Can you pronounce it? Does it make sense with the way words and names are formed using the Latin alphabet for the English language? Or does it look like this?

  • YblOurv
  • ZdLook
  • vRbyWo

You get the idea. If you want to know how to avoid products made in China on Amazon, passing those right up is a quick way to filter out some of the results.

Let’s take a closer look at Maggie’s.

There it is. Right on the label. Made in U.S.A. Always the easiest. But not always that easy.

Thank you, Maggie!

If none of your results say made in the USA in the title or on the packaging in the image, you’ll have to click on the product and dig deeper.

The first place I look is to the right of the product image. Not all brands with products made in the USA on Amazon will say so but many do so it’s a good place to start.

If this part of the page doesn’t contain made in the USA in the description, but you still have an inkling it might be American-made, you can scroll further to the product description. Maggie’s tells us that these socks are manufactured in North Carolina, USA.

Last but not least, the internet can be a helpful bunch when we’re at our best. Check the questions or ask your own.

I moved on from socks and typed “Jeans Made in the USA” into the Amazon search bar. Not one result was made in the USA. But that just wasn’t interesting enough for me. So I filtered it to women’s clothing.

Aha! Busted! I get to give you two tips for the price of one. Yeah, I know they’re all free tips but 2 for 1 is still fun!

These often intentionally deceptive products are a huge pet peeve of mine. We’ll get to that in a second. First, the questions. You can see this product has 42 answered questions. When you click on that, you can search the questions by keyword. I use “made” and “manufactured”. Pulls it right up if anyone has asked and answered about where a specific product is made.

I did both for you.

As you can see, some people received shirts made in Vietnam and others received shirts made in Bangladesh. It’s not uncommon for one product to be produced in multiple places.

But here is what really gets my goat!

Brands will intentionally put USA in their Amazon store names to mislead both the algorithm and people into believing their products are made in the USA. Don’t get me started on the American brands with foreign-made products that blather on about American values and put a stamp on their page with an American flag and the words “made with pride” or something like that. Grrr. That conversation is for another day.

Calm down and focus, Michelle.

You’ve really got to put the effort in. The good news is that we’ve done most of it for it for you. The only thing I ask in return is for you to help another when you can, especially in the comments 🙂

One Last Tip to Shop American Made on Amazon

Think of Amazon as a mall. Many American brands already have storefronts in the Amazon space with new ones being added everyday. Check out our list of retailers with products made in the USA that have official Amazon stores. And remember, just because a brand doesn’t have an Amazon store, doesn’t mean their USA made products aren’t on Amazon. They can add their products without a storefront and/or get added by individual retailers. Here, at Made in the USA Matters, we find them all.

So whether you’re looking for American-made sheets on Amazon, American made clothing on Amazon, American made flags on Amazon, American made knives on Amazon, or any of the other hundreds of thousands American made products on Amazon, we’re going to get you there the easy way.

Just remember to bookmark us!

Made in the USA from A to Z on Amazon

American Made Brands with Official Amazon Stores

1Up Greetings1888 Mills321Done360 Cookware50 Strong


A Better TreatAB LifestylesAdora Fine JewelryAerobieACUREAkro-MilsAlex + AniAlfiAll American CanningAll-CladAllen EdmondsAlto GrandeAmerican GreetingsAmerican HeritageAmerican KitchenAmerican West JewelryAmerican Whistle CorporationAmericana GrillsAMESAnchor HockingAnderson BeanAnn ClarkAnnie’s Pooch PopsAnnin FlagmakersAnthony-ThomasAppleApple BarrelApples of GoldArchipelagoAriensArmor AllArmycrewArotagsArrow Home ProductsAudezeAustinAvalanche


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Cabbage Patch KidsCafé CremaCafé Hacienda San PedroCafé La FincaCafé LareñoCafe ORO de Puerto RicoCafé RicoCalifornia BabyCaliforniansCamcoCampfire AudioCandle-LiteCandloveCanopy StreetCapel RugsCapri BlueCarolinaCarvedCase KnivesCastleWare BabyCaterpillarCatSpring YauponCaylan Wax Co.Cedar Crate MarketCelestial SeasoningsChannel CraftCHANNELLOCKChapinCheerful GiverChinetChrissy’s Knee High SocksCity ThreadsClear Conscience PetCloud StarCobraHeadCol. LittletonColgate MattressColonial CandleColonial MillsComfyComfyCorelleCounterArtCountry Brook PetzCoverkingCozy CocoonCraftsmanCrazy CompressionCrazy Dog T-shirtsCreative Shapes, Etc.Crescent ToolsCrossbreed HolstersCub Cadet


Dabble & DollopDallmann Fine ChocolatesDanforthDannerDanny K.Darn Tough – Dazzle Dry – Debbie Meyer Green BagsDebra’s KitchenDecoArtDeFeetDelta CeramcoatDenny Mike’sDentaLife – Detroit Grooming Co. – Devra PartyDeWALTDexasDexterDiChickO’sDippin DaisysDirect SoundDixieDMTDNDDog Mamma’sDogearedDogswellDoogDorothy LynchDownliteDr. PepperDrammdrymateDuke Cannon Supply Co.Duluth PackDuriDutchCrafters


Eagle Six GearEarly BirdEarth AnimalEarth Mama OrganicsEarthBOXearthsenseEarthquakeEarthWayEcco BellaEco TerraECOSEcoSafe 6400ella + milaElda’s KitchenEllie J MauiEnjoy OrganizerEnvirocycleEpicureanessieEstwing ToolsEthel M ChocolatesEtta SaysEuroGraphicsEvery Man JackExcaliburExmarkEZ ShelfeZ totZ


FanmatsFannie May ChocolateFarm to Feet Farmhouse FreshFashionTatsFenton GlassFidoFINEXFire & FlavorFlexonFlirFlowfoldFoamma MattressFolkArtFound My AnimalFox RiverFrank’s RedHotFreaker USAFrench’sFrost RiverFruitablesFryeFull CircleFull MoonFuller BrushFunfashFunny CandlesFurHaven


G & S Metal Products CompanyGalaxy GoldGardener’s SupplyGelProGelseaGettysburg Flag WorksGhostBedGilbert ChocolatesGilmourGladGotcha Covered NotebooksGoughnutsGrace AlleyGradoGraf LantzGreen ToysGreenesGreeniesGreenmadeGrillGrateGrunt StyleGrUVy WearGuillow’s


HallmarkHammond’s CandiesHampshire PewterHank PlayerHard Tail ForeverHarney & SonsHawaiian Natural TeaHawaiian Queen CoffeeHeinz – Hennè Organics – Herr’sHershey’sHighwoodHimalayan Trading PostHip PeasHollamamaHolsterguyHomesick CandlesHomestead ChoiceHossHouse of DearHowitzerHowl’s KitchenHulloHunt’sHusqvarnaHusky LinersHutzler Co.Hygloss


i love pillowIglooIllinois Glove CompanyILLUMEILNPin2greenIRIS USAIrwin ToolsIsland SlipperIt’s DelishIrwin Tools Amazon StoreIt's Delish Amazon Store


J.W. HulmeJ&M EnterprisesJax & BonesJax WaxJelly BellyJersey Girl Hot Sauce Co.JetBagJiminy’sJJ WestonJohn DeereJohn Medeiros Johnny SlicksJuice BeautyJustman Brush Company


K-KraftK. BellKauai CoffeeKawasaki EnginesKBShimmerKEENKentwoolKingsfordKingKoolerKitchenAidKen’s Steak HouseKettlePizzaKitchenAidKittyWeedKlein ToolsK’nexKOHLERKona JoeKona’s ChipsKONGKrebsKuranda


Lake Champlain ChocolatesLamsonLantern PressLeesaLehman’sLenovoLenox ToolsLibbey GlassLiberty BottlesLiberty TabletopLibmanLily TrottersLimitless Car CareLincoln LogsLinotoLion CoffeeLittle TikesLittle TwigLive BeardedLloyd MatsLodge Cast IronLoubier GourmetLove & LibertyLove BottleLoving PetsLuca + DanniLucky PineLucky Premium TreatsLunaLuther PikeLUX BLOX


Mad HippieMad VikingMade HereMade inMade ofMaggie’s OrganicsMajamasMake-A-FortMalpacaMambeMaple Grove FarmsMaple LandmarkMaples RugsMario BadescuMarley’s MonstersMARLOWE.Martin GuitarMaryland PlasticsMatterlyMaui Coffee Co.MaxzzzMilkhouse Candle CompanyMedals of AmericaMeli WrapsMelioraMerrickMilk-BoneMilooMineral FusionMirage Pet ProductsMLILYMOD FragrancesModern ArtisansMohawk HomeMom’s SecretMontana WoodworksMonte GoldMosaic Weighted BlanketsMountain ThunderMSIMusgrave Pencil CompanyMy Scratch OffsMyron MixonMytee Products


Nags Head HammocksNaples Soap CompanyNatural Foot OrthoticsNature’s AnimalsNature’s Baby OrganicsNaturepedicNaughty SpottyNESCONest & WildNew BalanceNew Hampshire Bowl & BoardNewman’s OwnNewton BabyNine Line ApparelNokonaNorthwindNot Your Mother’sNordic WareNorth America Mattress Corp.Novelty Manufacturing Co.NudgesNut CravingsNuuSolNylabone


obVus SolutionsOHSAY USAOkabashiOld Mother HubbardOne Fur All Pet House – Onekind – Opas SoapOPIOPTPOrlyOrvisOx Plastics


PacePacificaPacker’s PinePawleys IslandPendletonPeople SocksPersonnaPet ‘n ShapePet FactoryPetite ‘n PrettyPiggy PaintPinnacle Natural BrilliancePipa Skin CarePK GrillsPlanet DogPlanoPlochman’s MustardPlow & HearthPoint6Polar TechPolywoodPorter-CablePost-itPower CushionedPowerStepPowerTyePreservePretty Farm GirlPrimal ElementsPRIMOProject Pet HiveProStretchPuracyPurdyPure Country WeaversPureBitesPurina ONEPurplePyrex


QualatexQuality Nylon RopeQueen Anne Bedroom Company


R & B Wire ProductsRadaRain BirdRare El’ementsRatioRayovacRazor MDRe-MarksRe-PlayRed Door InspirationsRed GoldRed Land CottonReebokRifle Paper Co.Rigid IndustriesRishi TeaRocco & RoxieRoedaRootRoyal Kona CoffeeRoyal OakRoyal SilkRoyal TraditionRubbermaidRuby-Blue BunnyRuff DawgRuggableRushmore Rose USARussel StoverRussel Stover Amazon Store


SABRESamsoxSamurai InsolesSassy AssySassy Dog FashionsSauce BeautySauderSchaefer OutfitterScorpion RacingSealySee’s CandiesSertaSGT KNOTSSheet WorldShirts That GoSilver ForestSimplay3SK ToolsSkatersocksSkeemSladustSloggersSmart PotSmartwoolSnapwareSock ReligiousSOCCOSockGuySockwellSoda PupSolmatesSoloSOPHiSoul DecorSoul FlowerSPAMSpanglerSparko SweetsSpartan MowersSpot FarmsSprinkler BuddyStanley ToolsStash TeaStella & Chewy’sStep2SteriliteSteven Smith TeamakerStewartStoner Car CareStormy Kromerstubble + stacheSugar PaperSuncastSunrise BeddingSuper Area RugsSur La TableSure2SleepSwaddle DesignsSweet Baby Ray’sSweet Water DecorSwiftwick


TabaneroTabascoTactical Baby GearTata HarperTazaTeknor ApexTektonTelicTEN over TENTervisTess Oral HealthThe Best Card CompanyThe Better BungeeThe Blades GrimThe Country ButcherThe General’s Hot SauceThe Lazy Dog Cookie Co.The Perfect BungeeThe Taffy ShopThe Tao of TeaThe Spice LabThe Vintage Grooming Co.Theo ChocolateTherm-a-RestThorlo ExperiaThorogoodThree Dog BakeryTimeless RazorTimeless Skin CareTiny ExpressionsTony LamaTop ObsessionTorchbearer SaucesTrayvaxTree-Free GreetingsTribelloTroy-BiltTrue TemperTruly Free HomeTuft & NeedleTuga SunwearTusco ProductsTwigsTwo Sisters


Ultimate ClothUltra1PlusUltrasacUnderCoverUS AcrylicUS Cargo ControlUSA BroomUSA Flag Co.USA Hutzler Co.USA PANUTZ


Valley Forge FlagsVANIDOXVehicle OCDVermont Teddy BearVillage CandleVitamixVIVREVollrathVoltVoluspa


WallyGrowWaringWarm Glow Candle Co.Water RightWear SierraWeatherTechWeberWeiler BroomsWellnessWellnessMatsWendell AugustWenzelWest PawWet NosesWheel House DesignsWhitman’sWholesome PrideWikki StixWilcox All-Pro ToolsWild Spirit FragrancesWilsonWOWolf MattressWoosterWrightsock



Yankee Candle CompanyYauconoYaupon Brothers American TeaYo Mama’s


ZerollZippoZip TopZuke’s



  1. THANK YOU! Thank you for the time you’ve spent to compile this information. I make active attempts to purchase American made products, and Amazon does NOT make it easy. I’m glad I stumbled upon your website.
    I often search for “country of origin” on products I’m interested in, and Amazon doesn’t always list that information. I think it should be a requirement.

  2. Whenever I shop on Amazon, I intentionally try to focus on American made products. Amazon does NOT make it easy. As an American company itself, I wish Amazon would have a “Made in the USA” tab so customers can shop there easily.
    I’m glad I came across your website! Thank you for the time you’ve spent to compile this information.

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