Made in the USA

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Take Action to Find, Support, and Promote Made in the USA Products & American Manufacturing

Are you making an effort to do something about it? That’s what I wanted to say when my peers complained about factories moving overseas, supply chain issues, and the economy. It’s a knee-jerk reaction and not exactly a sympathetic way to express my frustration. They didn’t know how to find and buy American made products and I knew it wasn’t easy. So I remained silent.

Then one night while I was trying to fall asleep, it hit me. It was like bombs bursting in air!

A productive way to encourage effort and help others buy made in the USA brands and products would be to share and expand upon my own list of made in the USA products and brands. Because yes, I have been trying. And maybe they were trying to. But the reality is that it’s challenging to find American made products.

It’s not hard. It’s just time-consuming. You have to take some extra steps. Typing “made in the USA” into the Amazon search bar doesn’t work. Even if it did, there are countless products listed that say they are made in the USA  but they aren’t being truthful. And believe me when I tell you, Google doesn’t make it easy either. You wouldn’t believe how many pages of results I have to scroll through to actually find that bold font made in the USA in the description.

So what is an American consumer that wants to buy made in the USA products to do?

The most important step is a commitment to buy American made products.

Commit to make a fair effort to find made in the USA products.

Make a promise to yourself and silently to your community and country. Don’t get on Amazon all willy nilly or throw things into your shopping cart without checking labels. You can even sign up for our mailing list if you’d like a little reminder now and then.

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Bookmark made in the USA websites like this one.

I’ve poured over product descriptions, “about us” pages, zoomed in on labels, and verified made in the USA claims. I’ve linked to trusted merchants on Amazon and reached out to companies. I’ve asterisked the heck out of companies that operate both here and abroad.  I’ve done all that challenging leg work for you. You only have to take one step. Come here first. All the trusted links are conveniently placed for you. Here is our home page.

Join and follow Made in the USA Matters on social media.

Follow our page and join our Facebook group where you can ask us and other Americans for their recommendations when you’re looking for a particular made in the USA product.

Spread the word and encourage others to buy American made products.

Once you’ve followed us on Facebook and joined our Facebook group, share us with your friends from time to time. You can also invite your friends to our Facebook group directly.

If we’ve posted something you know a friend has been looking for, send them the link to our post or share it on their page. If you don’t know if we have a directory for that product, just send them to our main page and social media.

Follow Made in the USA tags on social media.

In addition to following us on social media, follow the #madeintheusa, #americanmade, and #buyamerican tags on Instagram. I’ve found so many great products that I’ve added to that I never would have known about if I wasn’t following those hashtags. Follow your own favorite finds and support them with your business.

Buy American made products as gifts.

I love a themed holiday. One year we bought all the kids and grandchildren superhero pajamas. Why not a made in the USA Christmas or Valentine’s Day? Or just buy American made gifts because you’re committed to buying made in the USA products. Let your friends and family know that it’s Made in the USA.

Check labels and product descriptions for “Made in the USA”.

Double-check tags and product descriptions even when you find them here at or on another website promoting made in the USA products. Companies move manufacturing and change ownership all the time. We make every effort to stay up to date but things can get by us.

Reach out to brands to find out if their products are made in the USA.

Go ahead and email or call brands and ask if their products are made in the USA. Let them know you support American manufacturing and buy made in the USA products. Even if their products aren’t American made, many brands will send you a coupon just for contacting them.

Shop local but…

Shop local but keep in mind that just because a company is local doesn’t mean their products or the supplies they use to make their own products are made in the USA. So go ahead and ask. And when their stock or materials aren’t sourced in the USA, politely let them know that you want to shop local but are also committed to supporting American manufacturing. Just maybe your words will encourage another to join the effort.

Return products that aren’t made in the USA.

I don’t mean to empty your closet and attempt to return last season’s clothes. No. That’s simply not appropriate. I mean, when you order a product online that didn’t say where it was made in the description and it arrives only to have a label that says “made somewhere else”, send it back and don’t even feel bad about it. Even worse, if the description fraudulently stated it was made in the USA, send it back and report it as “item not as described”.

Bonus Step!

Help us spread the word. Share THIS page on your Facebook, pin it on Pinterest, and tag us on Instagram.



  1. Just wondering if anyone has looked at Fuller Brush? I believe a lot of their products are still made in the USA.

  2. For over 15 years I have made an effort to buy American, and have bought very little made in china. My friends have always thought me weird but now most of them also do the same.

  3. How do I get my products listed here, I see nothing for that so I’m not even sure how this site works exactly except it’s an affiliate site that makes money on conversion links.

    1. Author

      The best way to let us know about your products that are made in the USA is via our facebook group. Feel free to join the group and promote your products to our members. I add them here as I see them.

  4. Hello!
    Thank you for putting this website together!
    I always try to buy local, American but it is challenging. Having a website listing all US-made products is awesome! Right now, I’m looking for a stainless steel stockpot, and according to a Google search there are US-made vendors out there, like All-Clad and Viking – I’m wondering why they’re not showing you your website/database? Thank you!

  5. Hi!

    I’m looking for specific impulse sprinkler and found just what I needed on the Dramm site, however it says made in Taiwan 🙁

  6. I would like to tell you about hummingbird feeders that are made by “First Nature” that are made in the USA. they are the best feeders I have bought.

  7. American Made Workshop has custom handcrafted leather belts, wallets, sheaths, phone cases, purses, bags, more made in the USA.

    1. Author

      Melinda, please update us if you get a website. Unfortunately we don’t link to those shops because they’ve let so many Chinese mass produced products on the platform.

  8. I make racks that hold quilt rulers. The racks are made here but I have to purchase the hooks from China as I cannot find them any where else. Would I be considered an American product?

  9. Northwind Tools LLC makes a Great USA manufactured firewood pickup tool. The tool eliminates deep bending especially for older folks who enjoy and use firewood. The “Pinch A Log” is laser cut, welded, powder coated and assembled using stainless steel hardware right here in North Idaho. The company is owned by a USAF Retired Master Sergeant. The handles are custom made in Detroit.

  10. The amazing PINCH-A-LOG makes easy work of picking up, throwing or stacking firewood with NO Deep Bending. This tool allows you to handle firewood, split or whole, 6 to 26 inches, and most firewood can be moved using only one hand.

    The Pinch-A-Log is made here in North Idaho USA by American hands and the company is owned by a USAF retired Veteran. You can expect the best workmanship with a tool that is laser cut, powder-coated, with stainless-steel nuts, bolts, washers and handles are made in Detroit MI.

    The Pinch-A-Log is made to last a lifetime! Owners of this simple but amazing tool have said it helps save their back, knees and hips in all areas of firewood handling.

    There is nothing like enjoying a body-warming wood fire and nothing that makes using firewood easier than the PINCH-A-LOG.

    1. Author

      Thank you for the info. I’ll add them when I get to a related category. I have been looking at inflatable kayaks for our RV, but now that you told me these exist, I’m sure I’ll go in this direction. Thanks again!

  11. Glad to see another website supporting “Made In USA”.
    Ladder Mover is made in USA, North Carolina.
    This ladder accessory makes it easy to give your ladder wheels. Our ladder carrier works with any brand, size and type of ladder. Guaranteed to handle your ladders and supplies easier, faster, and safer or your money back!

  12. Proven Hands is a company owned by Dylan and Molly Strachan, owners of Woodbrew (find them on YouTube). They make 100% Made in USA Tees and are launching a 100% Made in USA Full-Grain Leather Belt in the next month or so.

    All of their current and future products are as close to 100% made in USA as possible and if they had to source 1 or 2 materials from elsewhere it is noted.

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